Lavender Candles


Discover tranquility with our Lavender Candles infused with hints of rosemary and lilac, offering a luxurious twist on traditional lavender scents. Renowned for its calming and stress-reducing properties, this candle transcends the ordinary, providing a truly elevated experience. Popular among our customers, it’s a must-have for every home.

If out of stock, inquire about backorders.


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Discover tranquility with our Lavender Candles infused with hints of rosemary and lilac, offering a luxurious twist on traditional lavender scents. Renowned for its calming and stress-reducing properties, this candle transcends the ordinary, providing a truly elevated experience. Popular among our customers, it’s a must-have for every home.

If out of stock, inquire about backorders.


Additional information

Weight N/A

8 oz, 16 oz